
Balázs Bartóki-Gönczy PhD.

Head of the Research Center, associate professor of law (UPS), doctor of political sciences and law, member of the Board of the Institute of Telecommunications and Space Law, Paris (IDEST), research area: space law, electronic communications regulation.

Diána Daczi

Legal expert on space communications at the Hungarian Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) research rea: regulation of space telecommunications.

Tamás Darvas

Junior associate at Sárhegyi and Partners Law Firm, editor at the Arsboni Law Journal. His field of research is space law and commerce, financial regulation.

LtCol. Attila Horváth

Lieutenant Colonel of the Institute of Modernization of the Hungarian Armed Forces, hon. associate professor at University of Debrecen, doctoral student of the Doctoral School of Military Sciences of the National University of Public Service (NUPS), research area: use of outer space for defense purposes.

György Mihálka

He is a visiting lecturer in space law at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Pázmány Péter Catholic University, research area: space law.

Gábor Kecskés PhD.

He is vice-doyen and associate professor of he Faculty of Political and Legal Sciences of the Széchenyi István University Győr). Researh areas: environmental law (space debris), nuclear law, international public law. 

Boldizsár Nagy PhD.

Associate Professor, Central European University, International Relations Department

Árpád Rab PhD.

He is a leadin researcher at the nformation Society Research Institute (NUPS), associate professor (Corvinus University of Budapest), researh area: the effects of space conquest on society.

István Sabjanics PhD.

Assistant professor of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Pézmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest (Department of international public law)  

Attila Sipos PhD.

Hon. associate professor of space law at the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Lóránd University (Budapest), senior consultant of HMEI Zrt., Doctor of political and legal sciences, research area: air and space law.

Gábor Sulyok PhD.

Professor in law of the Faculty of Political and Legal Sciences of the Széchenyi István University Győr) and of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Senior research Fellow, Institute of Law, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, research field: international law, space law.

Péter Vári PhD.

He is the Deputy Director General of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority, doctor of Communication and Media Sciences, research area: the regulation of space telecommunications.


Section of PhD Students

András Edl

Doctoral School of Military Sciences (UPS), supervisor: Prof. Zoltán Szenes

Adam Punczman

Lawyer, mandated researcher of the Research Group, research field: space law.